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Randomness 7!

James Marcellas

I’m crazed. Some of you are like, “Yeah, idiot. We knew that.” But right now I am. I met a really nice boy (gay guys are always “boys”, no matter how old they are). He’s very sweet. But aren’t they always sweet at the beginning until they rip back their skin and show that underneath they are a lizard creature like on the 80’s TV show V? Anyway he’s nice. Sexy. And I’m thrilled.

Janelle had to cancel and will not be doing the AIDS Walk with me this weekend. I’ll be doing it with my pretend husband, James and with my Erika. It’s a bit of a reunion. Of a few of my faves from this summer.

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Randomness… 6

This is just a little bit of what’s going on in my life right now.

I just purchased a Rolex. I’ve always wanted one. I thought I’d have a rich husband (by now damn it) who would buy me one. But God bless the child whose got his own and now I do. It’s gorgeous. And I’m worth it. After my summer in purgatory I deserve something nice.

My name appears in a baby book. My best friend Kata is pregnant with her 1st child. She and her husband were leafing through Beyond Jennifer and Jason, Madison and Montana & there in the Reality Star section is Marcellas from Big Brother. Spelled correctly. That’s just crazy! Does that mean there are little Marcellases out there, named after moi? Love it!

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It Is What It Is

For the next few weeks this blog will be dedicated to Big Brother All-Stars. And a little bit about my life now. I’m going to try to make each entry about a specific topic. Things are great! I’ve hit the ground running and had tons of meetings. I’m up for a gig as on-air fashion expert for a major talk show. Already scheduled to work for Style Network again. I just don’t wanna sit still! I wanna work! And oh my gosh how amazing have the fans I’ve met been! It might not have been fun to be on All-Stars but apparently it was fun to watch.

For almost 3 months I had to hold my tongue. To numb it down in order to play a game. Well it’s over and the real Marcellas is back. Gregarious, blunt and no-holds-barred. Let me squelch a rumor here, right now; I’m not in a rift with anyone from Big Brother. I was late to the cast party because I was having dinner with a very special guy. And it was long and very good. Dinner that is! I didn’t get to hang out with the hgs that much because of dinners with my agents, publicist and friends. Not because I’m mad. All-Stars is over. Let it go. I have. I intend to be friends with every House Guest. I’ll hang with Will and Boogie, be pissed off because men suck with Erika, shop with the Buxom Blond Bombshell and I actually wanna spend a day with George doing whatever he wants. But I’m not having sex with Howie! We can just cuddle. All-Stars was just another TV gig. It was what it was.

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He’s Back…

Done. Finished. Finito.

Big Brother All Stars is over. I made it through. Love me. Hate me? I got a check coming. What is the 1st thing I’m buying? A Rolex. It was just a game and for me just another TV appearance. I hope all 14 of us find what we were looking for. Will we all be friends? Can we forgive one another? I hope so. If not, thanks for keeping me til sequester. I had kind of a blast.

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Aaaaaaah…. It’s Over!

So the voting ended. I’m glad. It’s in the hands of fate now. Or the cosmos. Or God. It’s been a week. Such a week. Long. Tedious. Exhilarating. Hard. Exhausting. I feel like I spent more time on the net than ever. Did I campaign hard enough? Did I vote for myself enough? I resisted the lure of the auto-voter. On a personal level, I thought that was cheating. Don’t get me wrong, I’m flattered some of my fans did it for me but is that what CBS/Shapiro Groedner really had in mind? And watching some of my fellow contenders actively beg for their use? Gross. Yeah, I went out there and did some press, a few TV spots, a bunch of interviews and chats. Heck I even made a t-shirt. But @ the end of the day if a computer can send out 50 bijillion votes a minute should I have even bothered?

Campaigning gave me a chance to re-connect with fans. I got to witness 1st hand the good and the bad that accompanies being a “reality star.” Again. Some things never change! I’ll never understand why I’m bashed over something I said in passing 4 years ago. Talk about holding a ridiculous grudge! And it’s not even being held by the people of whom I spoke. The thing is I spoke of those I knew. We all gave as good as we got! If we can forgive and move forward why can’t the viewer? How can anyone be judged by 12 weeks of their life? Unless of course they murder someone and then… I don’t know, I guess I’m having one of those “is it really worth it” moments. But that’s what the naysayers and haters want. To kill your buzz. Your dream. You have to push past that. Ignore it like so much white noise. And keep moving toward your goal.

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The Slap Heard Around The World.

So we all know my girl is in trouble again. You know I loves me some Naomi. And who hasn’t had trouble with the help? Though my roommie and I love our current maid. Not to mention she could probably take us 2 queens down in .02 seconds! The woman just moved a sofa by herself, the same one Eric and I both drag about the floor, huffing and puffing while scratching the hardwood! I think Naomi should be forgiven for her…let’s say, short temper. She is after all one of the World’s most beautiful women. Naomi’s current predicament got me thinking, “Who will I smack this summer?”

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Found!!!! The Real Golden Power Of Veto.

So Big Brother makes this big deal about having past “artifacts” in the house on BB7. During the wrap party for BB3 I was summoned over to the Big Table (where Arnold, Alison, Don & Jon Kroll were sitting). On the table was a small lacquered box. Now I’m the kinda boy that knows a gift when he sees one. Arnold proceeds to hand me the box. Now @ this point I’m all atwitter. I’m thinking, “Is this a Rolex or a Tag?” “How nice since I made your damn show!” I was actually preparing a thank you speech. Only to open the box and find not a watch, not a little trinket to put in the vault but the DAMN GOLDEN POWER OF F*%kIN VETO! Clowned again.

And what does a boy say to that? Having the object of your destruction/humiliation given to you gift wrapped; “Gee. Thanks Guys. I thought it was a watch you cheap bastards!” No, that’s not what I said as I love those guys. I laughed as we all did. But I resisted all attempts to make me put it on.

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Is It Crazy That I Want Back In?

So is it crazy to want back in? Last time I got my feelings very hurt. But along the way I managed to laugh, cry, make some friends and have one of the greatest times of my life. Am I a crazed thrill seeker, an attention ho or a glutton for punishment? My mom says, “A hard head makes a soft behind.” I think in life you gotta take your shot, have your moment and hope/pray for the best.

I’ve been chosen to compete for a spot on Big Brother All Stars. Please click here and vote for me. Vote long, hard and often! 😉

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