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The Race Entry

Marcellas Reynolds Photographed by Dart & Jake
Marcellas Reynolds photographed in Miami by Dart & Jake

Recently, I met a guy, or should I say a guy met me. He hit me up, made the initial approach if you will. The conversation was great. He was cute, smart, and had BODY. He was sexy. Since he approached me, I thought, “Why wouldn’t he want to hang out?” Yeah, hang out means go on a date or even more. When I asked him out, he said he was “Flattered,” and thought I was “Nice,” but he did not date Black guys. What? What does that mean? You don’t date Black guys. How can you not? He said he didn’t find Black men attractive. Hold up! What are you saying, “You don’t find Black men attractive?” How is that? Are you telling me that I’m not fine? Or Gary Dourdan? Or Kanye West? Or Michael Ealy? Or Tyson Beckford?

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Welcome 2006

Marcellas Reynolds by photographer Gabriel Goldberg

I must admit, I’m not happy to see 2005 go. It was very good for me creatively and I watched my career soar. I had some incredible highs:Read More »Welcome 2006

Mash Up: Remixed! versus 106 & Park

The Cast of Remixed! on 106 & Park
The cast of Remixed! sits down with Big Tigger and Julissa on 106 & Park

Last week I flew to New York to appear on BET’s 106 & Park. The entire cast of Remixed! was asked to do a little PR. Since Joia and I live in L.A. we decided to fly out together. Joia arrives at five am my house to catch the Super Shuttle. Yeah, I said Super Shuttle. Fifteen bucks ain’t bad when no car service is being provided. But why was the driver blasting smooth jazz way too loud at 5:15 am? Even after I asked him to turn it down. Once at LAX, the holiday crush was in full effect. The line to get upstairs to the security line to get to the gate was over a block long. Finally, we are on the plane. Delta Song. G-H-E-T-T-O. No 1st class. No business class. They don’t have it. Two rows of seats, three seats in each row. What is that Police song, “packed like lemmings into shiny metal boxes?” It was however cool that they have DISHTV. I got to watch an episode of “Remixed!” at 40,000 feet. That was cool. I had a mile-high moment with myself. Alright, not really but watching myself on TV, on a plane was very cool.

The plane lands (thank you Father), and we arrive only to discover New York is in the midst of a transit strike. Luckily BET has a car for us, the driver was cute and very good at what he does. An hour later, a fast trip through Harlem, and we are at our hotel. If you haven’t stayed at the Hudson Hotel, you should. It’s nice. The rooms are tiny. The bathrooms are chic. The artwork is by my fave artist, Francesco Clemente and the restaurant and bar scene is very good. The guy who checked us in was hot and gave me the eye.

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Another Crazy Night In Hollywood

Marcellas Reynolds, Zac Brazenas, and his butt
Marcellas Reynolds Celebrates His Birthday in West Hollywood

In celebration of my birthday, I decided to host a party. In truth, my friend Scott Webster, who is always up for a good time, decided to throw me a party. His friend Rachel Elizabeth recently purchased a house and was looking for an excuse to toss a soiree. Me? Mostly I want to be left alone, but with BET’s ReMixed ending its first season and a few dollars in the bank, I did feel like celebrating. So why not? A boy only turns thirty for the hundredth time, a hundred times.
Judd Hirsch, Rachel Elizabeth, and Marcellas Reynolds
Judd Hirsch, Rachel Elizabeth, and Marcellas Reynolds

Since I did not know Rachel well, other than styling her video for Rachel’s Angels, I called her inquiring what to expect and if she needed anything from me? Rachel was very cool. “Do you need any cash,” I asked? “No, it’s your birthday,” Rachel replied. “Good answer,” I thought. “Well, if anything comes up, let me know,” I replied. We decided on a date, and an Evite was created. Hosting a party is nerve-wracking enough without wondering if anyone is coming. Never have a party on the weekend of Thanksgiving. No one is in town. I was shocked at how many people declined my invite because they were going home for Thanksgiving. I never do as it’s so close to Christmas. Why put yourself through the trauma twice!?

Rachel Elizabeth Hosts a Birthday Party for Marcellas Reynolds
Marcellas Reynolds dancing at his birthday party in West Hollywood

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America’s Next Top Model Season Five Finale

Marcellas Reynolds and Bre Scullark
Marcellas Reynolds and Bre Scullark at the America’s Next Top Model Cycle Five finale

Last night I attended the finale of America’s Next Top Model Cycle Five. I’m a reluctant fan of the show. I believe the girls that become the second runner-up are the ones that should win. I am a fan of Elyse, Kahlen, Mercedes, Shandi, and Shannon. This season was all about Bre Scullark. Bre was like the girls I grew up with in Chicago. Fabulous, a touch ghetto, pretty, and oh so real. Whenever she was on screen, I was riveted. Though I didn’t see a win in Bre’s future, she made it to the final three. Robbed. Victory snatched from her grasp. I love how she kept it real until the very end. When she lost, the heels came off, and the glasses went back on. You must never forget in your travels who you are. She did not. Tonight my mission was to meet her. I did, and she was just as I hoped she would be. Sublime.

Marcellas Reynolds and Bre Scullark
Marcellas Reynolds and Bre Scullark at the America’s Next Top Model Cycle Five finale

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Work, Work, Work

Marcellas Reynolds on the Set of The Bold and The Beautiful
Marcellas Reynolds is “Micah Okwu” on the The Bold and The Beautiful

I’ve been working non-stop for the past seven months. From How Do I Look on the Style network to House Calls at cbs.com to BET’s Remixed to On Q Live. I’ve been on a roll, and it’s been great. Remixed filmed its last episode of the season two weeks ago. The entire shoot, I was praying for the end. I just wanted it to be over. It was incredibly hard. I loved my co-hosts. I never met three such giving people, but shooting Remixed was challenging. Then you are at the end, and there’s that FEAR. The fear you may never work again. The fear that this is a fluke and you’ll be back selling shoes, which isn’t the worst thing that’s ever happened. Actually, I made a lot of money selling shoes, but feet are not so glamorous no matter to whom they are connected. Luckily I went right into hosting a week of On Q Live for the Q Television Network. That just ended, and now I’m unemployed!

Marcellas Reynolds on the set of The Bold and The Beautiful
Marcellas Reynolds is “Micah Okwu” on the The Bold and The Beautiful

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