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Marcellas Reynolds

Award-winning author and entertainment reporter Marcellas Reynolds is the executive producer of Supreme Models, a six-part Vogue/YouTube Originals documentary series based on the bestselling book of the same name. The docuseries airing at youtube.com/vogue has over 8.3M views. Reynolds is also an entertainment reporter and television host whose recent appearances include Access Hollywood, the Tamron Hall Show, and Bravo's Watch What Happens Live!

When Life Hands You Lemons…

…make mini lemon meringue tarts with vanilla-scented creme fraiche mousse. That’s what Lil’ Kim did before her unfortunate incarceration. Now I hate Lil’ kim. Wait, let me restate. I don’t hate her as I never met her. Saying you hate a person you’ve only seen on TV makes you seem crazy. I’m sure she has her good points. I’m sure her friends and family love her. And since she is in jail for holding it down and not sellin’ out her crew to the Man, I gotta show her some love. Now if she would just stop out-lining her lips in black pencil and stop wearing MAC “Myth” and put on some damn clothes, I’d be happy. Maybe prison will show her some restraint. I have no doubt my fave new show will be this:

Yes, Lil’ Kim, La Bella Mafia, has her own reality show. Shot in the weeks leading up to her forced vacation @ the worst spa in New York State. Let’s hope there’s no spitting ala “Pumkin” and “New York” on Flava Of Love. Certain things set my race back. Flavor Flav is and always has been one of those things. There are positive images of African American’s and then there’s Flava Of Love. By putting that show, with that man on TV, vh1 has set the image of my people back 250 years. We’re now coming over on the middle passage. Thanks Flav! Can you tell I don’t find Black folks clowning for the public’s amusement funny? But I can’t begrudge that man a gig. So… Back to reality…

1st let’s just say that Project Runway is the best reality show on TV. To me it is the gold standard. I wish I’d known Debra was doing it because I would have begged her to go with. I just missed my opportunity to meet Michael Kors after being introduced by Debra Messing. Damn. Daniel Vosovic is my boyfriend. I love him. The world is a better place because he exists. He makes me happy.

I hated his hair cut last night. I loved his collection. And Debra was right, the 13th look was amazing. That camel shift was to die for. But only a woman 5’9″ or above, size 2/4 could wear it. I loved the floral print he picked. I also loved that white military-inspired coat. But Michael and Nina Garcia were right.There was no Asian influence in that collection. He must have been thinking about Chloe or she was standing next to him on the runway ’cause that’s the closest thing to Asian we saw last night. And that big epaulet he stuck right in the middle of that beautiful dress was like a target. And then the model trips!? Any model worth her rate knows you hike the dress up a bit as you walk. Ugh!

Santino’s mom is the shit. Or so he says. I love a guy who loves his mom. Santino’s last dress was a thing of beauty. I loved that ombre print and the pleating. Just watching his show on the runway I thought, “Oh my God Santino won!” I loved his collection. It wasn’t until the playback that I saw yes, that (sh)it didn’t fit. And if it doesn’t fit..You must acquit. Or @ least lose. I, unlike Michael and Nina, liked Santino showing restraint. Let’s not forget the man dressed the figure skater like a turkey.

Chloe. Chloe. Chloe. What can we say about the Asian Sensation? I loved her all season. She seems like the type of girl you’d be friends with. Cool but not too cool. Smart but not too smart. Smart about stupid stuff like how Chopin vodka differs from Kettle One. Or where to get the best mani/pedi in Manhattan fast and cheap. All season long I thought her collections were good but safe. A bit one note. Yes, she can sew. She’s a tailor. And so what she wasn’t running around living for fashion? And being all stupid and crying every 2 seconds? Save the passion for that fine ass boyfriend, who is the best cameo of the season! One word of caution to Chloe: Asian women are notoriously the last stop to “Moville” on the gay train. Ask any gay man about his last girlfriend. She was either Asian, docile and they never had sex or Black, over-assertive and they rarely had sex. If he dumps you Chloe, I’ll buy the 1st round of drinks as we commiserate how bad men suck! Her collection? I had to look @ it twice. On first sight I hated it. I hate that color pink and that color blue and that stiff fabric. And good God in heaven I hate a shrug! No more shrugs. Ever. But the tailoring was key. And she used color. And she was completely different from what she did all season long. Take away the shrugs and you’ve got gorgeous red carpet ready gowns. And I loved her 13th Look; the pleated baby doll dress with pockets. Sorry Daniel a poorly-placed epaulet cost you the game. Congrats Chloe. You are the winner of Project Runway. You and Daniel should go into business together.

In other news I saw Beyoncé on 3rd Street. And you know what? She is gorgeous. And that butt isn’t as big as you’d think. I hear she is losing weight for Dreamgirls. Which will only make Jennifer look bigger. Which is cool. I can’t wait!

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Well it finally happened, the unbelievable…I am fed up with the Hollywood star system. It reached fever pitch last week. I was chosen by E! to announce the official Academy Awards gift basket. Now E! is a client for whom I love working. How Do I Look is like my fave gig. But the Holy Grail for me, the end all be all, the creme de la creme, my almost dream gig is to be an on-air correspondent for E! Not Entertainment Tonight or Extra! I want E! And when I say it, I say it like Missy Elliott in Honey: “I said I wan E! dammit!” My agent must really be tired of hearing that. Well last week it was sorta delivered to me in the most minute way. I got 4 minutes, which was cut down to 1 minute, part of which was me saying “$100,000.00 4 times.” The general consensus was I looked very handsome. And I was cute and funny. I was over the moon. My enthusiasm knew no bounds. I hope it showed. My dream gig you ask? Replacing Bob Barker on The Price Is Right! I love that show. I want that enthusiasm. When people get called to “come on down” they lose their minds! It must be the most fun job ever. Nothing bad ever happens on TPIR. I mean sometimes everyone over bids but then they get a do-over! Who doesn’t want a do-over? I competed on a game show once and good God in heaven how I wish I could have a do-over!

The thing that made me crazy was Hollywood was in a donut swirl last week. Which culminated in a lukewarm minute orgasm: the Oscar ceremony. Did you know that the term donut is slang for male models? Apparently male models are so vacuous and self-involved they can suck themselves off, creating what looks like a donut. I don’t know who made that up but when I lived in Milan that’s what people called my friends and I. Last week was a donut swirl here in L.A. People sucking themselves off all over the place. From the actresses being feted by every major designer to get them to wear their gowns, to the gift suites set up everywhere, sponsored by everything from magazines to diamonds to (strangely) an X-rated vodka marketed to women. And yes, I hit a few of the suites though the real ones wouldn’t let a piece of ex-reality trash like me anywhere near them.


The Dread…

So as I sit here in my Sundari Rose and Lavender Hydrating Mask, reading the New York Post gossip section, I’m dreading the moment. The moment when I must take off my luxe, white bathrobe and get dressed. Normally I like getting dressed. There are basically 2 occasions when I leave my house; to have a laugh with friends or to make money. I’m always up for either but today I dread leaving. I must dress and go to the gym. Unless I’m being paid to do something, I’m the laziest fuck on the face of the Earth. Deep inside me there is a 400 lb., Howard Hughes with Kleenex boxes on his feet and Tivo, humming, bathing him in it’s warm, ever-inviting, glow. He’s surrounded by Krispy Kreme doughnuts, Famous Amos cookies and Papa John’s chicken alfredo pizza boxes. Maybe a few copies of Details, Italian Vogue and porn mags too…

I have to go to the gym. It’s pilot season. And I’ve been running all over the place working and auditioning. It never ends. I’m just another L.A. carpet-bagger, selling my wares. Plying my charms. I wonder if Ben Foster works out? Ben I love you. You make me happy. You make this world a better place just by being here. You are almost as cute as Wentworth Miller. Almost.

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Me On E! News!

I will be on E! News. It’s Tuesday, Feb. 28, at 7 pm PT! I’ll be revealing what’s in the Oscar goodie basket! Too bad Ryan doesn’t start until March!

I’m wearing a navy J. Lindeberg suit with a lavender shirt by Express Men.

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The Week That Was… III (Early Edition)

It ain’t over but… This is a crazy week. I’ve been working. I had 1 audition for a print ad. I hate model auditions. I want to act. And one very important call back for a movie role. Gosh do I hope I get that. I thought I’d be playing a gay guy (not a stretch) who gets dumped (eh). So my agent calls me to tell me of the call back, faxes me the sides and lo and behold, I get to the audition and they want me to audition for the lead! A bigger part. And I am not prepared. Through some mis-communication between my agent and the casting director I was told I was again reading for the co-star/love interest. Damn! So I walk in and I’m told (in front of the producers) to read for Che, the lead. “Um mm… I’m here for Tony.” “No, we want you for Che.” “Do you need some time to prepare?” One of my acting coaches once told me if this ever happens do the reading cold, right then and there. If you stink then it could be perceived as “Oh he just got the script”, but if you take time with it and stink then you just reek. So I did my best and hopefully it was enough. My face was good and so was my outfit. Let’s hope that helps. The thing is I could do this part. I am this guy. I’d be playing a clothing designer who decides he’s not gay after all. I mean I have had those moments where I wish I could not be gay. I think all gay men have them. Life would be much easier. Who would choose to have people hate you who don’t even know know you?

Speaking of hate it has come to my attention (through friends @ my forum) that there are people actively trying to close down my site. Normally I ignore ignorance. But this was so blatant and mean-spirited… It seems when I sent out a Merry Xmas/Happy New Year greeting some people received it and my good tidings pissed them off. How sad and horrid do you have to be for a wish of good will to inspire anger? Let me go further: I sent a Merry Xmas wish to all the subscribers @ my forum. That means you had to have gone through the process of joining my forum. You had to find my site, fill out a form and join. Voluntarily. Now a few people who willingly joined have come up with the idea of accusing me of spamming (which is a lie) in order to try to get my web host to shut down my forum. These are probably the same people who during Big Brother 6 called and wrote letters to Maggie’s hospital and Eric’s firehouse trying to get them fired from their jobs. These are the people who took the time out of their “lives” to start an on-line petition to have me removed as the host of House Calls (which only helped cement my position). Why? Because I suggested some viewers were going too far with their hate of the BB6 cast. It seems I was right. If you have nothing better to do than post mean things on the net about people you don’t know then you need to get a life. There are charities that need assistance. There are people in need of our help, not just money. The time spent in front of that screen could be spent teaching a child to read. But instead you sit @ home and start petitions? Or you spend hours finding out where someone you never met, who did nothing to you personally, someone who doesn’t know you exist, works and try to hurt them by trying to get them fired? And I suppose you think that the on-line friends you have who enable your bad behavior are also sane? You all need help. My suggestion? Hate on me all you want. I don’t know you. You don’t exist to me past the end of this post. The next time you feel the need to hate, donate money in my name to Project Angel Food or the National Aids Fund. These are the charities I work closely with. They each do amazing work. And I guarantee you will feel better and more useful than sitting at home typing mean things and putting hate into the cosmos. Because it comes back around. Meanness may seem funny in the moment but what you sew you reap. This is your moment in time to do something amazing. Something constructive that is bigger than yourself. Bigger than the show you watch. Or the site where you post. Do it.

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Chatting Up Boys on Connexion & Friendster…

Hi! I’m shooting a new episode of How Do I Look for the Style Channel as we speak! So much fun! It’s one of my fave gigs. I’ve been a bit remiss in my posting so please forgive me!

Friend sites. 6 degrees of separation. Disable chat function. Otherwise random boys hit you up looking for cybersex. New friend request from Hector. No. I don’t know you, you can’t collect me. I’m not a Pokemon.

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So this would be RANDOMNESS pt. 3…

I heard my roommate having sex. The guy was cute and I’m jealous. I’m not having sex. Until it means something. I’m no longer a human dildo. Maybe I’m re-virginizing… That will last a week.

Right now I’m listening to Fire and Rain, by James Taylor. No one crafts songs like this anymore. Now all you get is Don’t Cha and Laffy Taffy. Gross.

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Oh Hell To Tha No!!!!

In a post I like to call RANDOMNESS part 2 or more musings from me…

Who the hell watches the Olympics? That should be done in 2, maybe 3 days. Tops. I didn’t get to see Law and Order tonight. And I rushed home from shopping. Law and Order was preempted by snowboarding! Snowboarding? People only want to watch ice skating. And whatever sport Apollo Ohhellyeah is doing. I had to watch Grey’s Anatomy. I hate that show. The lead actress is too skinny. She needs a sandwich. And a chocolate shake to wash it down.

I finally saw the Emma and Alex fight episode of DeGrassi. Emma won but got quite the shiner. Sean is coming back and has long hair! He’s so cute! I LOVE ME SOME HIM! You can check him out on DeGrassi Minis at teennick. Ellie dump Jimmy and take Sean back! Don’t be stupid!

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