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Marcellas Reynolds

Award-winning author and entertainment reporter Marcellas Reynolds is the executive producer of Supreme Models, a six-part Vogue/YouTube Originals documentary series based on the bestselling book of the same name. The docuseries airing at youtube.com/vogue has over 8.3M views. Reynolds is also an entertainment reporter and television host whose recent appearances include Access Hollywood, the Tamron Hall Show, and Bravo's Watch What Happens Live!

The Slap Heard Around The World.

So we all know my girl is in trouble again. You know I loves me some Naomi. And who hasn’t had trouble with the help? Though my roommie and I love our current maid. Not to mention she could probably take us 2 queens down in .02 seconds! The woman just moved a sofa by herself, the same one Eric and I both drag about the floor, huffing and puffing while scratching the hardwood! I think Naomi should be forgiven for her…let’s say, short temper. She is after all one of the World’s most beautiful women. Naomi’s current predicament got me thinking, “Who will I smack this summer?”

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Found!!!! The Real Golden Power Of Veto.

So Big Brother makes this big deal about having past “artifacts” in the house on BB7. During the wrap party for BB3 I was summoned over to the Big Table (where Arnold, Alison, Don & Jon Kroll were sitting). On the table was a small lacquered box. Now I’m the kinda boy that knows a gift when he sees one. Arnold proceeds to hand me the box. Now @ this point I’m all atwitter. I’m thinking, “Is this a Rolex or a Tag?” “How nice since I made your damn show!” I was actually preparing a thank you speech. Only to open the box and find not a watch, not a little trinket to put in the vault but the DAMN GOLDEN POWER OF F*%kIN VETO! Clowned again.

And what does a boy say to that? Having the object of your destruction/humiliation given to you gift wrapped; “Gee. Thanks Guys. I thought it was a watch you cheap bastards!” No, that’s not what I said as I love those guys. I laughed as we all did. But I resisted all attempts to make me put it on.

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Is It Crazy That I Want Back In?

So is it crazy to want back in? Last time I got my feelings very hurt. But along the way I managed to laugh, cry, make some friends and have one of the greatest times of my life. Am I a crazed thrill seeker, an attention ho or a glutton for punishment? My mom says, “A hard head makes a soft behind.” I think in life you gotta take your shot, have your moment and hope/pray for the best.

I’ve been chosen to compete for a spot on Big Brother All Stars. Please click here and vote for me. Vote long, hard and often! 😉

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12 OF 12…5!!!!

Hey I’m Bowling For Angels for Project Angel Food! Check it out and bid. They are so many great prizes!

So this may be my last 12 OF 12 for a while. It’s a good one because it really shows what my life is like.

Lately it’s all about the gym and diet for me. I get up and hit the gym 1st thing for cardio on an empty stomach. I do 45 minutes 5xs a week. And 3/4xs a week Melanie and I run in the late afternoon.

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So I’m trying to blog as much as possible just in case I’m busy this summer. Heck I’m busy now. I’m working and that is a very good thing. I’m also having many meetings and tons of auditions. It always gets busy before Big Brother. Most actors worry over pilot season. I do too but I know that for me I’m going to stay busy through the summer. It’s like Big Brother season pops back up and bam! People are like “Where’s Marcellas?” Kinda like Where’s Waldo without the stripe sweater. Though I liked that sweater. It was kinda chic.

In keeping with the theme of past musings posts, here goes:


Hold… For Plane.

So I’m on hold. In suspended animation. Waiting for the other shoe to drop. In a crazy elevator caught listening to weird muzak. The summer looms ahead as I sit wondering what the hell am I going to do. I usually look forward to the summer. I mean really who doesn’t, right? When you are a child you look forward to summer vacation. When I became an adult and began modelling I loved summer. It was my busiest season. And all my friends would pour into the States from all over the World. It was fun. As the host of House Calls: The Big Brother Talk Show I’ve felt the same way. Every summer I know Big Brother is coming and my gig will be back. I look forward to making new friends and being silly. Now as Big Brother All Stars looms I’m in even more of a state. Am I doing it? Will I be back for House Calls? I just shot another pilot which brings my total pilots since 2002 to 15. Will that pilot get picked up before Big Brother/House Calls and will I be doing that instead? The mind reels.

One thing remains consistent, whatever I do I gotta go to the gym. Ya can’t be too thin and the camera adds 10 lbs. Right across your ass, thigh and abdomen. A very smart woman, (Oprah) once said, “Nothing tastes as good as thin.” Well she never had the banana cupcake or the coconut chocolate cupcake from Sprinkles or the pecan bear caramel apple from Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory. I have (yesterday) and that’s even more reason to hit the gym! The funny thing is that though I’m on hold, the World around me moves forward. I don’t wanna work. Period. I’ve got money in the bank and more coming in everyday for doing plenty of nothing. Right now I’m content just going to the gym, taking 5 mile walks with Mel and hanging out laughing with friends. But life doesn’t stop. The phone rings, it’s my agents. “You have a model booking.” “Um mm, what?” Check my email, it’s my friend Nik. “Hey handsome, so you’re booked for Before and After’noon Movie.” I’m happy and blessed and grateful but @ the same time I just wanna stay home. Or go shopping @ Barney’s.

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12 Of 12… IV


So this is what I do for a living. I’m a fashion stylist. Not a hair stylist. Not a food stylist. A fashion stylist. Sometimes. Most of my life is spent on camera but when not, a boy has to eat and there are many salespeople whose families depend on the fact that I use my living room as my closet because I have too many clothes! My roommate is not happy. Actually E is a peach and doesn’t care. Why should he? The clothes are new and cool! And my closet is his.

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Mischa, Tom, Kate & No Me…

So I’m not posting any pics of myself this time. I’m kinda bored with me. I know! It’s true… Normally I’m fascinated with myself. But lately my life is all “will I do Big Brother or won’t I.” I like to think there is more to me than my participation on a reality show. Or not. We’ll just have to wait and see. I live my life like this; I wake up, roll out of bed and what presents itself, presents itself. And I deal with it then. Luckily I’m self-employed. I don’t like to make plans. OR appointments. Definitely dates. I guess we’ll see when we see.

So everyday I’m confronted with this image:
Which means I shop too much because it’s big as day on the side of the Beverly Center. It’s Mischa Barton shot by one of my fave photogs, Steven Klein. It’s crazy gorgeous and I’m in love with Mischa. I mean I love The O.C. Can you believe that Mischa was the creepy little girl who throws up in The Sixth Sense? She grew up good. She also does some pretty impressive posing in the campaign. Now normally I hate Bebe. It’s clothes for skanks but tapping MB to do the campaign was brilliant. Much better than a few seasons ago when Guess hired perennially skanky Paris Hilton to be the face of their ads. But you know what? I’ve met Paris and Nicky and they were exceedingly nice. And very pretty. Does a leaked sex tape and lost blackberry really make one a skank? Hey we’ve all slept with the wrong guy @ least once. Are we (the viewer) supposed to be privy to the private comings and goings of these women? I mean I’m a single boy and I don’t want anyone recounting every step I take. I’m a step away from skank-dom @ any moment. And I like it. Here’s 1 more of Mischa:

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