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Summer ’10 Fashion Essentials!


“I’ve always been about style for people. It was the way you put yourself together and the imagination, not buying this number off the rack, but the way you wear it.” -Ralph Lauren

Let’s face it, every day we get up and we put on basically the same thing. Men wear some variation of a pant be it shorts, trousers or sweats. We all put on a shirt of some sort. Ladies luck out and can toss on a dress. But it’s what we decide to add to the mix that makes us individual. As a stylist I think it’s the use of accessories that separates us from one another. Two men can wear the exact same suit. How they chose to accessorize that suit is what makes it different. Individual.

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Stylish: The Musical!


Music is everywhere. It’s a part of everything we do. It’s blaring from the cars cruising down the street. It’s drifting from the powder room as your boyfriend sings in the shower. It’s the best part of our favorite TV shows like Ugly Betty and Glee (hell yeah I’m a proud Gleek)! These days who isn’t toting around their iPod, computer, MP3 player and even phone while grooving to their fave tunes. As Miss Grace Jones sings we ‘work to the rhythm, live to the rhythm, love to the rhythm‘. We’re all slaves to the rhythm!

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Valentine’s Day ’10: Love In A New Decade.

E! Net's 2009 Oscar coverage. Charlize Theron make-over.
E! Net's 2009 Oscar coverage. Charlize Theron make-over.

It’s 2010 and if you are reading this it means we’re already a month into a new year. Time is moving quickly. The world is becoming more and more advanced. Is there time for age old conventions like ‘romance’ and ‘love’ in our modern world? I say yes. As we become more global yet separate with advances in technology, I for one think the human connection & its celebration is the most important thing we can do.

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Marcellas Style! Part Deux

I’ve been very good lately. I’m at a great place in the evolution of my wardrobe where I don’t need a thing (other than dropping 10 lbs). I know myself and my personal style very well. No more futzing with silly trends or adopting personae that feel like a costume. I’m a suit and a blazer boy. I like dressing like a man. I like an expensive watch, good shoes by Paul Smith & John Varvatos, pocket squares & bow ties. I like vintage western shirts, Daftbird tees, Earnest Sewn custom made jeans, G Shock & Nixon watches & old school trainers. And I love a trench coat. I like my pants boot cut, blazers double vented and love shirts with tuxedo detailing. See, I know what I like, what suits me and it makes shopping very easy.

So here’s the list of what’s going and coming:
Black Ted Baker “Hake” Calfskin Lace-up (a bargain at $170)

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Marcellas Style!


I’m starting a new feature on my blog. I’m documenting my purchases. Maybe this is a way to stop myself from spending every dime I have? Or maybe it’s an opportunity to make smarter choices? Or maybe it’s part of the process of building my wardrobe? Hopefully it will be fun. And not tedious for the reader. It’s also gonna be a wish list: what I want, what I need, what needs to go and of course what’s next.

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When you were little did you ever play “I’m Going To The Grocery Store?” It was a memorization game where you had to remember alphabetically the contents of a shopping list from A to Z. Well this month we’re going shopping for an outing to the beach! Even if it’s just up to Zuma to surf or Malibu for the weekend, it still pays to look chic.