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The Angel Mafia!

Hi just a quick blurb to announce more additions to The Angel Mafia! My girl Beth S. from just about everything has joined. You may also know Beth as she produces the wildly popular Sexiest Men and Women of Reality Calendar each year. Yep, she was the one who convinced me to strip it down and lather it up in 2006. My bud Dylan Vox is bowling. Dylan is a hoot and is one of my closest friends. He’s on the Here! TV show, Dante’s Cove. And last but by no means least is the first member of the mafia from The Apprentice, Carey Sherrell. My girl Omarosa describes him as “a baby Marcellas.” Carey is impossibly hot so I take that as a compliment.

The Mafia is hot and getting hotter all the time. We’re gonna be the cutest team! Now let’s hope we can raise some cash!

3 thoughts on “The Angel Mafia!”

  1. sounds great, marci! I was hoping to find some celebrities to raise money for those of us that have a rare and often fatal autoimmune disease called Wegener’s Granulomatosis. I was a teacher when this disease attacked me. I am unable to teach anymore 🙁 and I have been on chemo for over 2 years…yeah, it sucks, but “it is what it is!” lol

    thanks for entertaining me for 2 summers. You are all “all stars” in my eyes since I know I couldn’t survive that house for more than a few hours.

    I hope you’re doing well (sounds like you are!!!) and keeping busy working. If there is anyway I can help with the angels “thingy” (just like that word) please let me know. I haven’t money to donate, but I have plenty of time on my hands since I can’t work at the present time.

    Take care, Marci!!! (Marcellas if you will—sorry, you remind me of my friend, Timmy and I love the “ie” at the end)

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