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5 Essential Spring Dresses

How to wear a career dress day to night.

Here’s a Spring ’16 dress campaign I shot for one of my fave clients Bonton! I love that it shows multiple ways to wear several different dresses! I believe everything you buy should be versatile! I constantly get asked “But how do I wear it!?” Well here’s how! A little black dress can go from day to night with a change of accessories. A hotter shoe and a dressier clutch and you are ready for drinks or dinner!
You can wear a denim dress a billion ways!

The denim dress can be worn a million different ways! And year round too! Add textured leggings and knee high boots or booties to take it into fall/winter!
How to work a bridesmaid dress again. And again!

Every woman has that special occasion dress they think they’ll never wear again! Trust me you can. It just takes finding the right pieces to mix it with!
A floral dress can be hip or edgy thanks to accessories.

Spring and summer are always about florals! Take them from sweet to edgy with hip accessories.
The little black dress is extremely versatile!
The little black dress goes to Coachella when paired with haute hippie inspired accessories like a floppy hat and a fringe bag! And don’t be afraid to mix black and brown.

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