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Only Good Boys Keep Diaries. Bad Boys Don’t Have Time…

As you know I have a problem with YouTube. I think it’s gross. And all that clip and paste bulls*^t makes me crazy. When I see those video tributes made by people who obviously need a life it makes me ill. Creating a false reality makes you insane. Not hopeful. You’re seeing things that didn’t exist. And you got played by players. Who continue to play you because you’re um mm… Gullible. Alright that’s all I’m gonna say… Well one more thing: CBS should sue that site and make them take that stuff down. If you wanna post your homemade video of you dancing around and acting stupid or your “adorable” pet/baby eating tinsel or even your sex tape, fine but lay off me & my friends. There I’m done. Kinda.

This all started with a clip I was emailed of someone I thought was kinda a friend of mine saying homophobic things about me. Of course it’s on YouTube. Of course some ass grabbed it from the live feeds and posted it. Yeah, freedom of speech. Or freedom to post. Whatever. To the poster; did you put that up there because you thought it was funny? Or you agreed? Or to punish the person who said those things or who was spoken of? To the friend; I’m giving you the benefit of the doubt and forgiving you for having a moment. We all did. I hope the hate that you pointed at me because of my sexuality isn’t a true statement as to who you are. In fact it was my sexuality that allowed me to see you clearly for who you are. Gay boys don’t get played by men. Unless there’s ass involved. Then all bets are off.

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Maury, NYC, The Skin & The Master Cleanse! Randomness 8…

I’m just back from NYC. I did The Maury Show. Todd Newton was also on. It was fun. And of course now I wanna be the new Connie Chung. Maury is cute. My episode is about videos on YouTube. And you know how I feel about that. I mean apparently there is video of me trimming my nose hair while Janelle and Erika do their eyebrows. If you downloaded that you are sick. And if you watched? Twisted. Hey divas gotta groom. It’s all about maintenance. And I couldn’t kit out to have my girl Babette do it for me now could I?

I spent a bit of time in NYC. I still have many friends there. Crazy Makeba, my Kiki, Legs, Tom and E. And gosh I lived there on and off for years while playing model. I once loved the city. Not so much anymore. Once you live in Cali, it changes everything. Though NYC is cleaner than ever, it’s still dirty. And there are far too many people there. And the traffic is unlike anywhere else in the world. And if I saw one more girl in skinny jean shoved into high boot I swear I was gonna throw up! Everyone was doing it! Fat girls. Skinny girls! Short girls! Black girls. Asian girls. Rich girls. Poor girls. Hell even the Latin girls were doing it and it’s not sexy. Latin girls usually don’t follow a trend unless it’s sexy. I don’t think you are gonna see Giselle or Adriana looking like Peter Pan or Captain Jack Sparrow wearing stupid roll down boots with jeans tucked into them. All that’s missing is a hook and a parrot on your shoulder! Hold it. Let me amend that. On Giselle and Adriana it looks right. But anything looks right on them so…

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Michael Richards / The Departed

So Mikey got caught with his hand in the cookie jar big time. Huge. And mama put a mouse trap in there in the form of a video camera. Here’s the thing, all of us no matter what race we are, harbor some racist thought about some other race. Period. Let’s hope we mask it better than Mr. Richards. Poor thing. He was done before but now he’s super-done.

What he should have done is not said a word for 2 weeks and then gone on Oprah. O would have started out with, “What were you thinking?” Then moved into, “No you did not?”, with head shake and Black girl finger wave. Next she would have led the audience in a gentle scolding. This is where Michael breaks into tears. And after that, admonishment. “We know you are sorry Michael.” “Don’t let it happen again.” Followed by a hug. But not too close. That sweater is cashmere. And probably by Ralph Lauren. Followed by a round of applause. Then O could have spun the show into a meaningful dialogue about race in America and the world.

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Birthday Party / Game Nite 2.0!

So I’ve been celebrating my birthday for 2 weeks. Last week while in Chicago and this weekend in L.A. Last night my roommate Eric and I hosted our second game nite! GAME NITE 2.0 actually. It was a blast! It was one of those rare occasions when you look around and realize how blessed you are. I have a great life and some wonderful friends. After visiting Chicago and seeing my family and hanging with a few dear old friends and a few new ones (James, Sarah and Tom), I realized something. My summer didn’t really suck. Yeah, bad things happen. No let’s re-language that: things don’t turn out as you wish sometimes but they can’t derail you and should not block you from what’s good. And real. I had a few laughs and made real connections with some wonderful people. I’m better for it. Stronger. Hopefully smarter. Different.

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By now everyone knows of my summer in purgatory. I had a sh*%ty time on Big Brother All-Stars. With a rigged game and less than ideal company, my stay was not pleasant. To add insult to injury someone kidnapped Boo.

Yes, Boo!

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He’s Back…

Done. Finished. Finito.

Big Brother All Stars is over. I made it through. Love me. Hate me? I got a check coming. What is the 1st thing I’m buying? A Rolex. It was just a game and for me just another TV appearance. I hope all 14 of us find what we were looking for. Will we all be friends? Can we forgive one another? I hope so. If not, thanks for keeping me til sequester. I had kind of a blast.

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Aaaaaaah…. It’s Over!

So the voting ended. I’m glad. It’s in the hands of fate now. Or the cosmos. Or God. It’s been a week. Such a week. Long. Tedious. Exhilarating. Hard. Exhausting. I feel like I spent more time on the net than ever. Did I campaign hard enough? Did I vote for myself enough? I resisted the lure of the auto-voter. On a personal level, I thought that was cheating. Don’t get me wrong, I’m flattered some of my fans did it for me but is that what CBS/Shapiro Groedner really had in mind? And watching some of my fellow contenders actively beg for their use? Gross. Yeah, I went out there and did some press, a few TV spots, a bunch of interviews and chats. Heck I even made a t-shirt. But @ the end of the day if a computer can send out 50 bijillion votes a minute should I have even bothered?

Campaigning gave me a chance to re-connect with fans. I got to witness 1st hand the good and the bad that accompanies being a “reality star.” Again. Some things never change! I’ll never understand why I’m bashed over something I said in passing 4 years ago. Talk about holding a ridiculous grudge! And it’s not even being held by the people of whom I spoke. The thing is I spoke of those I knew. We all gave as good as we got! If we can forgive and move forward why can’t the viewer? How can anyone be judged by 12 weeks of their life? Unless of course they murder someone and then… I don’t know, I guess I’m having one of those “is it really worth it” moments. But that’s what the naysayers and haters want. To kill your buzz. Your dream. You have to push past that. Ignore it like so much white noise. And keep moving toward your goal.

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