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Michael Richards / The Departed

So Mikey got caught with his hand in the cookie jar big time. Huge. And mama put a mouse trap in there in the form of a video camera. Here’s the thing, all of us no matter what race we are, harbor some racist thought about some other race. Period. Let’s hope we mask it better than Mr. Richards. Poor thing. He was done before but now he’s super-done.

What he should have done is not said a word for 2 weeks and then gone on Oprah. O would have started out with, “What were you thinking?” Then moved into, “No you did not?”, with head shake and Black girl finger wave. Next she would have led the audience in a gentle scolding. This is where Michael breaks into tears. And after that, admonishment. “We know you are sorry Michael.” “Don’t let it happen again.” Followed by a hug. But not too close. That sweater is cashmere. And probably by Ralph Lauren. Followed by a round of applause. Then O could have spun the show into a meaningful dialogue about race in America and the world.

I should be a producer.

And that’s how far Mr. Richards is gone! His people have him talking to Rev. Jesse Jackson and Rev. Al Sharpton! Even Black people don’t listen to them! Mike, who’s repping you buddy!? You want the ear of Black America… It’s got 5 carats dangling from it on the cover of O each month!

I do applaud Rev. Jackson for his call to end the gratuitous tossing of the N Word around. Enough already. We get it. Did you see The Departed? I’ve never heard that word tossed around so needlessly in my life! It was grotesque. And I was disgusted. And as it’s a contemporary movie there was no need for it! Censor yourself Mr. Scorcese. Tossing that around isn’t going to make your audience focus in any more. Or get an actor an award because of how well he says it!

I hear it’s tossed around pretty liberally in Bobby also. I won’t be seeing that. I wanted to. I mean Lindsay Lohan and Sharon Stone and Demi Moore. That’s a gay man’s paradise! But I don’t need that moment when I’m slammed into reality. That moment where ever so subtlety I feel bad for being Black. And I look around to see if anyone else heard it. And the faces around me are eerily still. A bit too focused on the screen. That’s what it’s like when the N Word is tossed. It’s like a little slap. Just enough to let you know, they see you.

Well you know what? I’ve come full circle. I was wrong. @ least one Black man is listening to you, Revs. Jackson and Sharpton. And I stand with you. I too say enough. We know it’s wrong. Even when you are Black and you say it to or about your race. It’s wrong and enough. Don’t use it. And maybe one day enough time will pass when children won’t even know it or what it means.

Now let’s talk about the F Word…
